How to Prep for Your Upcoming Family Session

So you’ve booked your session (wahoo!) and now you’re thinking what do I wear? We’re here to help!

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The more prepared you are for your session, the more relaxed you’ll be when the day comes! It’s helpful to layout outfits the night before or earlier to make sure you’re happy with the selections. I typically recommend moms, pick your outfit first! If you’re confident and comfortable in your outfit, it will shine in photos! Next. build from there with hubby and kiddos outfits!


Typically, I recommend neutrals for outfits and build with some subtle patterns/ prints for dimension. I would avoid really bright colors like neons or hot pink as those colors end up not photographing as well. I loved this flowy top that Kelsey wore and the print looked so nice with sweet baby Sloane’s swaddle and accessories.


I get asked a lot if I bring props or accessories to newborn sessions. I do not. I’ve found it so special when new parents use an item of clothing that was gifted to baby or maybe a special blanket to swaddle! I love sentimental touches to family photos.

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I remember mom, Lisa, made this headband and quilt for sweet baby girl!

Other things to remember are packing some water and snacks for kiddos! I’m always happy to help coordinate outfits if you ever have any questions before session. I’m always a big fan of exploring Pinterest for outfit inspo myself!